BrowserStack App Automate (XCUI)
Run your XCUI tests on BrowserStack App Automate. This step allows you to send test IPA's to the BrowserStack dashboard and run your test on it.
Prerequisite Workflow Step | Description |
Xcodebuild for Testing | After the Xcodebuild for Testing step runs, the test IPA paths ($AC_TEST_IPA_PATH and $AC_UITESTS_RUNNER_PATH ) will be created automatically. So that the BrowserStack component depends on these paths. |

In the build step, if there is no Xcodebuild Build for Testing step before BrowserStack, BrowserStack will throw an error and break the pipeline because it cannot find the paths that your step depends on.
Input Variables
You can find all the parameters required for this step in the table below, with their descriptions in detail.

Do not specify the Access Key directly in a hard coded format in steps. Please use Environment Variables when using potentially sensitive variables like this.
Variable Name | Description | Status |
$AC_BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME | Username of the BrowserStack account. It should come from the BrowserStack account. | Required |
$AC_BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY | Access key for the BrowserStack account. It should come from the BrowserStack account. For more information, please follow this document. | Required |
$AC_TEST_IPA_PATH | Full path of the IPA file. This path will automatically generate in Xcodebuild for Testing step. | Required |
$AC_UITESTS_RUNNER_PATH | Full path of the * This path will automatically generate in Xcodebuild for Testing step. | Required |
$AC_BROWSERSTACK_PAYLOAD | AC_BROWSERSTACK_APP_URL and AC_BROWSERSTACK_TEST_URL will be auto generated. Please check the documentation for more details about the payload. | Optional |
$AC_BROWSERSTACK_TIMEOUT | BrowserStack plans a timeout in seconds. If there is any problem in BrowserStack, these variables will break the pipeline after a certain time. The default variable is 600 seconds. | Required |
To access the source code of this component, please use the following link: